What is it about the midnight oil?


The joys of writing at nightIs it hormonal? Am I nocturnal? It can’t just be the fact that the kids are asleep, the house is quiet and the phone has stopped ringing. Tweetdeck is still chirping away, Facebook is just as intriguing as it was before lunchtime and yet it is now, now that the world seems to be slowing down (in my hemisphere at least), that the words are able to flow freely and easily. I received an email at 7 o’clock this evening asking for a magazine article on something of my choice that was local to my area, easily editable and entertaining. I sat, I wrote, I pressed ‘word count’ and it was done within forty minutes. Why is this? Writing four hundred words can take me most of the day on some days depending on whether there’s an ‘r’ in the month or if there is a bar of Green and Black’s Butterscotch in the fridge that demands my attention yet tonight it just ‘flowed’. Just a thought …

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